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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friends Tree Finanza!

Hey Monsters,

Ok, so you know friends trees? Where you can see all your friends?

Friends Tree
Well, yeah, today when I logged in I noticed an exclamation mark (that means you have a friend requests to all you new monsters)...Now this is normal, since whenever I log in I usually have some waiting for me...

So, I click on my friends tree, and normally I see about 8 or 9 or sometimes even 20 friends requests! But today....I had
87 friend requests!
87 FRIEND REQUESTS! That is a HUMONGOUS jump from sometimes 20 to almost 100!

Wow, I'm still shocked! Of course, I accepted every one of those little monsters requests! Thanks to all those poppets/furis/zommers/diavlos/luvlis/katsumas who sent me them!

How many is your highest friend request number? Comment on this post, and let me know!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Googenheim Art Challenge!

Hi Monsters!

Guess what? Well, you know the Googenheim Art Gallery? On Oohla Lane?

Googenheim Art Galley, Oohla Lane
Well, every month they have a different drawing challenge. For example, Draw monsters celebrating Halloween, in October...Ok, well anyway, this month it was Draw the moshling set, the Worldies...So guess what I did! I drew them!!! Then I sent it off to Moshi and today I checked the art gallery and...

Our artwork is framed!
It was there! The feeling of it just being there inside the frame was so cool! Plus, I got a cool art palette kind of thing!

The Art Palette
So, if you're stopping by the Googenheim, be sure to click on the Art Challenge then look for Bubblebread101!

Happy Monstering!


Friday, January 28, 2011

New floors!

Hey Monsters,

Recently, on the Daily Growl (Moshi Newspaper, click here to go to it) , they had a create-a-floor contest! It was a MASSIVE hit scoring over 6000 entries!

Dewy and his beloved DIY shop!
But today they announced the winners! They were very creative and I can't wait to save up some rox to buy them! Here they are:

OOPS floor! It has lots of spills on it! Brown, red, bright green, bright yellow, orange, blue, pink and some smashed up fruit (zoot fruit perhaps?) and some slop pans!

Puzzle floor! It's a floor made up of lots of jigsaw pieces. There are a few missing!

The Footprint Floor! It's full of footprints in a trail!

Wow! Great entries! I like them all...I had a look at some of the entries and I think my favourite is:

Over lapping squares, all colourful with stitch marks on it! Colours like blue, red, pink, etc!


That one sounds snuggly!

P.S. Click on the usernames to go to their awesome houses!


New Colour

Hey Monsters!

Just thought I'd let you know that I changed by colour! Before, I was a lime green-y kind of colour, and now I'm a light blue kind of colour? (look at the pictures)

Which one did you like better? Leave a comment letting me know!



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Captain Buck has arrived!

Captain Buck is officially in Monstro City!

He has brought back lots of 'rock music' things, like drums, a microphone, etc, etc. It's really ideal if you are planning to have a rock out room!

Here's a preview of what it look like, inside the ship!

Pretty cool, huh! You can see my monsters whiskers on the far left, hee hee!

Have a great day on Moshi and say hi to your monster for me!
