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Friday, January 28, 2011

New floors!

Hey Monsters,

Recently, on the Daily Growl (Moshi Newspaper, click here to go to it) , they had a create-a-floor contest! It was a MASSIVE hit scoring over 6000 entries!

Dewy and his beloved DIY shop!
But today they announced the winners! They were very creative and I can't wait to save up some rox to buy them! Here they are:

OOPS floor! It has lots of spills on it! Brown, red, bright green, bright yellow, orange, blue, pink and some smashed up fruit (zoot fruit perhaps?) and some slop pans!

Puzzle floor! It's a floor made up of lots of jigsaw pieces. There are a few missing!

The Footprint Floor! It's full of footprints in a trail!

Wow! Great entries! I like them all...I had a look at some of the entries and I think my favourite is:

Over lapping squares, all colourful with stitch marks on it! Colours like blue, red, pink, etc!


That one sounds snuggly!

P.S. Click on the usernames to go to their awesome houses!


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