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Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hi monsters! Sorry I haven't done anything lately, but I've been really busy! But it's luvli to be back on! Well, a lot of new things! First there is another Super Moshi Mission called Strangeglove from Above. It's fangtastic and pawsome.....

In it Strangeglove is in a big hot air balloon with the words C.L.O.N.C and he is stealing the fluffies

There's the hot air balloon
Your plane gets gooed!
 Your plane gets gooed by glumps and you have to talk to a cloud called Nimbus (perhaps future moshling) .
Nimbus the cloud is very cute!

You make Nimbus laugh so hard she rains and it makes the goo all gooey, so then you use IGGY to clean the plane!

Cleaning with Iggy- A highlight
 And Wurley gets upset because he made the SUPER MOSHI plane fall down since he was the helicopter part! So he thinks it was his fault...

Poor Wurley!
So you talk to Flumpy about making a kite to cheer Wurley up, and then you get some supplies for the kite and he makes it for you!

Talking to Flumpy
Then you give him the kite, but it's not moving very well, and you talk to Nimbus about giving the kite a shock of lightning that shoots down to Wurley, which gives him a sudden burst of energy!

Nimbus makes lightning when she is angry
You make Nimbus angry by telling her what Dr Strangeglove is doing to moshlings! She gets sooo angry and gives a jolt of lightning to Wurley

the lightning worked!
happy wurley
Then putting Wurley in your plane, you go to collect lightning to get to Dr Strangegloves plane (lightning is good, it makes Wurley faster)

Lightning is good

collecting the lightning    
Then once you are in Dr Strangegloves balloon, Wurley goes through a pipe to get to the other side of a locked gate, and opens the gate for you so you can go through the gate to find Dr Strangeglove
Wurley helps you
Once you are through the gate, and out the door you are in a hallway! There is a window on the right where Dr Strangeglove is and you decide to peep through the window
You're through!
 When you peep through the window you see...

But he sees you peeping, and before you get any juicy info, you have to leave when the alarm goes on.

pink alarm!

But...when you climb up the ladder (See picture) you go to a room with a big machine! you have to stop the machine and free the moshling it is using (the machine is stretching the poor fella)
The moshling, Plinky is that gold stretchy thing with eyes
You save the moshling and get to keep it! (the moshling is called plinky)

Isn't Plinky cute?

Anyway, in other news I got the Super Moshi magazine (both issues) and it is great! I definitely think EVERYONE should get it! www.moshimag.com   to order it click that

Also, I'm not sure if you noticed but I changed my colour! It went from a light bluey colour to a light purple colour! I like my new colour, what do you think of it? Comment on the blog with your thoughts, and with an idea for my next colour!

Well, I'll try and write a bit more so see ya soon

xxxx bubbles

Happy monstering

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hmm...I wonder what these are

Today, I was scavengering around for some really cool things I could show you and I stumbled across millions (ok maybe not millions but still!) of things like moshling or possible Super Moshi Mission locations. I wonder if you knew they were there! Go look around in Monstro City yourself! It's filled with secrets...

Now of course I am going to show you my findings! Well, today our stop is the Underground, where Moshi Members can dance and dance and dance at the underground disco! But have you ever taken a close look at the paparazzi?

See the purple thing?
It looks a bit like an octopus doesn't it? Shame we can only see half of it! Wonder if it will start its own set as I found another octopus around! Have a look
Aww so cute!
That one is quite cute! Moving on, here are some other possible moshlings:
3 eyes
Perhaps not the cutest of moshlings but still could scare off any angry zommers if it lived in your home!
I think these are really cute! Maybe they could start a whole set called the 'Mushroomies' and just all be different colours

 I wouldn't mind having them in my room!
There are 2 cool possible moshlings heree!  Poor little one in the drain...Perhaps Dr Strangeglove has  something to do with this! Maybe it will be the next mission ,  and in the end you will  get him! That's a good plot! And that little bat looks mischievous! Now on to 2 possible locations in an SM (Super Moshi) mission.

Maybe Dr Strangeglove's hide out! No wonder there is a padlock...And now for the last one...

This also has a possible moshling as welll! Maybe after you have completed the mission with the glowing door with the pretty ivy you will get him..You never know!

Happy monstering...


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Moshi Magazine!

Hey Monsters,

I am so sorry I haven't posted in ages! Hope all your monsters have stayed snuggly while waiting for my posts but now I have lots and lots of news for you!

Firstly, they have a new Super Moshi Mission!

Which super fun mission will you choose?

In it you get Dr StrangeGlove is up to now good again...He's taking Fishies!
Poor Fumble!

In this mission you also get to do super cool things like meet Captain Buck. E Barnacle
Ay Ay captain!

And clean the Cloudy Cloth Clipper (his ship) well to be more precise...His poop deck!
Keep cleaning!

Plus in the end you get this super cool new moshling called Wurley!
Lonely Wurley!

See! And notice in the corner how it says 'Techies' that's because there is a brand new set!

How cool is that!

Oh yes, back to the other news, you can now also see other Moshi Monsters in the Volcano!

Hiya fellow world savers!

Also, some MASSIVE news, Moshi has unveiled a brand new super cool thing called the Moshi Magazine! WOW! You can get it if you live in the UK, but if you live in the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand you can order it online here at www.moshimag.com

I am SO ordering it!

Ok monsters, well I think that's enough news to keep you going for 200 Furi years! (Equivalent to 3 human hours!)

Happy monstering...


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Wallpapers!

Hey Monsters,

They just announced on the Daily Growl  (click HERE to go there) that there are some new Moshling Wallpapers at the shop Paws 'N' Claws at the Port (members only).

The new wallpapers feature designs for Foodies, Fluffies and Fishies! Woah! Thats a LOT of F's!

Now they have them and Birdies, Dinos and Beasties! Pretty cool, if your planning a Moshling Mayhem room! What a shame you can't have more than one wallpaper in one room!

I think my favourite wallpaper out of all them is the Birdies one...I've noticed lots of my Moshi friends have it! Comment on this blog, telling me which one's yours!

Happy Monstering!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friends Tree Finanza!

Hey Monsters,

Ok, so you know friends trees? Where you can see all your friends?

Friends Tree
Well, yeah, today when I logged in I noticed an exclamation mark (that means you have a friend requests to all you new monsters)...Now this is normal, since whenever I log in I usually have some waiting for me...

So, I click on my friends tree, and normally I see about 8 or 9 or sometimes even 20 friends requests! But today....I had
87 friend requests!
87 FRIEND REQUESTS! That is a HUMONGOUS jump from sometimes 20 to almost 100!

Wow, I'm still shocked! Of course, I accepted every one of those little monsters requests! Thanks to all those poppets/furis/zommers/diavlos/luvlis/katsumas who sent me them!

How many is your highest friend request number? Comment on this post, and let me know!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Googenheim Art Challenge!

Hi Monsters!

Guess what? Well, you know the Googenheim Art Gallery? On Oohla Lane?

Googenheim Art Galley, Oohla Lane
Well, every month they have a different drawing challenge. For example, Draw monsters celebrating Halloween, in October...Ok, well anyway, this month it was Draw the moshling set, the Worldies...So guess what I did! I drew them!!! Then I sent it off to Moshi and today I checked the art gallery and...

Our artwork is framed!
It was there! The feeling of it just being there inside the frame was so cool! Plus, I got a cool art palette kind of thing!

The Art Palette
So, if you're stopping by the Googenheim, be sure to click on the Art Challenge then look for Bubblebread101!

Happy Monstering!


Friday, January 28, 2011

New floors!

Hey Monsters,

Recently, on the Daily Growl (Moshi Newspaper, click here to go to it) , they had a create-a-floor contest! It was a MASSIVE hit scoring over 6000 entries!

Dewy and his beloved DIY shop!
But today they announced the winners! They were very creative and I can't wait to save up some rox to buy them! Here they are:

OOPS floor! It has lots of spills on it! Brown, red, bright green, bright yellow, orange, blue, pink and some smashed up fruit (zoot fruit perhaps?) and some slop pans!

Puzzle floor! It's a floor made up of lots of jigsaw pieces. There are a few missing!

The Footprint Floor! It's full of footprints in a trail!

Wow! Great entries! I like them all...I had a look at some of the entries and I think my favourite is:

Over lapping squares, all colourful with stitch marks on it! Colours like blue, red, pink, etc!


That one sounds snuggly!

P.S. Click on the usernames to go to their awesome houses!


New Colour

Hey Monsters!

Just thought I'd let you know that I changed by colour! Before, I was a lime green-y kind of colour, and now I'm a light blue kind of colour? (look at the pictures)

Which one did you like better? Leave a comment letting me know!



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Captain Buck has arrived!

Captain Buck is officially in Monstro City!

He has brought back lots of 'rock music' things, like drums, a microphone, etc, etc. It's really ideal if you are planning to have a rock out room!

Here's a preview of what it look like, inside the ship!

Pretty cool, huh! You can see my monsters whiskers on the far left, hee hee!

Have a great day on Moshi and say hi to your monster for me!
